Waag has received several national and international awards and/or nominations over the years for its projects and initiatives. An overview.
- Incentive prize for the Dutch initiative 'PublicSpaces' at the Dutch Privacy Awards 2019.
- Ista Boszhard and Cecilia Raspanti winners at Future Fashion Pioneers of VPRO Tegenlicht.
- e-Participation tools in The Netherlands (e-Dem) nominated for the ISOC Innovation Award 2018.
- Honorary mention for the Making Sense book 'Citizen sensing: a toolkit' at STARTS Prize 2018.
- Maakplaats 021 wins the SkiLLLsChallenge 2017.
- Digital Preservation Award for the project 'Digital City Revived'.
- iCapital Award for Amsterdam by the EU, Waag took part in the winning team.
- Honorary Mention for the Amsterdam Smart Citizens Lab at the STARTS Prize '16.
- Open Innovation Luminary Award 2016 for Marleen Stikker at the Open Innovation 2.0 Conference.
- Code for NL nominated for the ISOC Innovation Award 2016.
- N8 Award for the best programme during the annual Museum Night in Amsterdam.
- CitySDK and CryptoKids were nominated for the ISOC Innovation Award 2015.
- 'Pulse Pal' (Hester van Zuthem) won the public prize at Design4Health design challenge.
- Web application for 'Tijdgeest' project wins the Water Innovation Award 2014.
- Nominations CitySDK for Istanbul Design Biennial 2014 and Open Data Award.
- Marleen Stikker is a finalist at the 2014 World Technology Awards.
- Embodied learning game 'SuperHeroes Island 2.0' wins proof of concept at 'Let's Kinect in education' contest IPON 2014.
- Embodied learning installation nominated for the Dutch IPON Award 2014.
- CitySDK project nominated for the Prix Ars Electronica 2014.
- CitySDK Mobility API was nominated for the ISOC Innovation Award 2014.
- The concept travel app 'Reisradar' wins at the open data challenge organized by Rotterdamse Verkeersonderneming and the Open State Foundation.
- The project Operation Sigismund receives a special recommendation from the Children’s Museum Award 2013.
- Bas van Abel/Fairphone elected by Kennisland and magazine Vrij Nederland as 'Radical Changer' and wins the Fontanel Public Award at the Dutch Design Awards.
- A 'Best Practice' rosette for the Fairphone project by Virtual Platform.
- The project De Digitale Nieuwscollage wins an IPON Award in the category 'innovation in learning'.
- A nomination for 'Augmented Anatomy' at the IPON Awards 2012.
- The MuseumApp receives an 'Honourable mention' at Museum and the Web 2012 and a nomination for the Gouden Reiger 2012 award.
- The project Fairphone wins the ASN Wereldprijs in the category 'fair trade'.
- A.R. Loeplamp becomes second at the Accenture Innovation Awards.
- Waag nominated for the Rotterdam Designprize with Open Design.
- Special IPON Award for Waag's Creative Learning Lab and all educational projects.
- A 'Seal of Approval' at the Erasmus EuroMedia Awards for The Island.
- Nomination at Cinekid New Media Awards for Pop UP.
- 'Enlighten Your Research'- prize of SURFnet and NWO for 'Distributed high quality audiovisual testbed' entered by Tom Demeyer of Waag.
- CENIC Award 2008 for Cinegrid @ Holland Festival, by CENIC, Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California.
- Culture prize of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds for ;Yo! Opera Festival & Werkplaats. Waag made the website for the project.
- Two Erasmus EuroMedia Seals of Approval by ESEC for our projects Teylers Bètalab and Games Atelier.
- Erasmus EuroMedia Medal 2007 for the project Operatie Sigismund, with Drents Archief in Assen by ESEC, European Society for Education and Communication.
- SpinAward for Frequentie 1550, category best gaming concept.
- Coq d'Honneur for Marleen Stikker, director Waag, for the initiative of PICNIC, by Centrum voor Merk- en Communicatie (CMC).
- M&ICT prize for the development of Games Atelier, by the Ministeries EZ and OCW and DMO Amsterdam.
- Erasmus EuroMedia Sonderpreise for Waag's Creative Learning educational projects by ESEC, European Society for Education and Communication.
- 'Beste in de buurt van ICT-Award' for The Storytable, by the City of Amsterdam.
- Design prize Rotterdam 1997 for Leestafel voor Oude en Nieuwe media at the restaurant In de Waag at the Nieuwmarkt square.