Urban Resort
Urban Resort BY

Experiments in artistic making

Four artists who had a Mondriaan funded artist-in-residency at AGA LAB and Waag will show their work at Urban Resort LELY (opposite Lelylaan train station) from 6-13 May 2017: Kaleb de Groot, Claudia Doms and Eva Pel and Debra Solomon.

Opening: Saturday 6th May, 18:00
Finissage: 13th May, 16:00
Guided tours: 13th May, 14:00 & 16:00
Opening times: Wed to Sun 12:00–18:00

About the artists

Kaleb de Groot
'The Rendition Journal'

During his residency at the AGA LAB and de Waag, Kaleb de Groot worked on the first edition of the Rendition Journal. He used the travelog as a basis for this artist publication. Compiling notes, drawings and a wide variety of found footage and quotes from his travels during former residencies in Xiamen (China), Lusaka (Zambia), Dire Dawa (Ethiopia), Willemstad (Curacao) and Kutacane (Indonesia). An array of iconographical and semantic differences passed though de Groots’ artistic practice. Making him wonder how theory, social engagement and form can be brought together. This first edition of the journal can be seen as an extension of de Groot’s experience with organising artistic platforms (Toko, Motel Nooitgedacht, Fatform and the Counter Memory project). The Rendition Journal starts here.

Claudia Doms and Eva Pel
‘New Nature’

‘New Nature’ started with the discovery of the 17th century manuscript of Jan Velten’s ‘Wonderen der Natuur’ in Amsterdam’s Artis library. Doms and Pel examined the 300 year old manuscript of drawings and gouaches which the artist Jan Velten made during a period of approximately 15 years in and around the menagerie Blauw Jan in Amsterdam.

A range of 2D and 3D prints and objects are brought into existence that are derived from the 17th century drawings of Jan Velten. Doms and Pel are zooming into details of the amateurish drawings of animals, plants and circus artists that have been ignored when the book was restored and annotated. They are focusing on what historians might overlook and through experimentation with various production techniques – the new and the old – bring to life fantastic artefacts. All artefacts are available as open source files for reproduction.

Debra Solomon
'Soil Portraits'

As an artist Solomon regularly works with soil scientists researching and producing topsoil in her public space locations as well as in the Urbaniahoeve demonstration forest garden DemoTuinNoord. During the 2016 residency supported by the Mondriaan Fund at the AGA LAB and Waag, Solomon innovated an existing technique to produce large format chromatographs (16x magnification) using a method yielding pure visual data of soil life activity. The soil organism as a whole features prominently in Solomon’s work as an utopian tool, one technically capable of changing the effects and course of Climate Crisis in urban environments. These soil chromatographs were made using Solomon’s self-produced topsoil on the one hand, contrasted with urban soil materials on the other, the chromatographs communicate different levels of human intervention just as they do the presence of soil microbial life, not more or less important. From a non-anthropocentric perspective, this is the ‘real’ Big Data.





LELY, Schipluidenlaan 12, 1062 HE Amsterdam


EU official flag

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 288959 (KiiCS). Starting with #15, this project has received funding from the Europ