Fellows Code4EU
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Meet the Code4EU fellows

De afgelopen maanden hebben we samen met de Gemeente Amsterdam gezocht naar drie fellows voor het project Code4EU. Na een intensieve selectieprocedure, kunnen we Ohyoon Kwon, Piotr Steininger en Giovanni Maggini verwelkomen. Zij zullen de komende negen maanden werken aan innovatieve, slimme apps voor de inwoners van de stad.

In bovenstaand beeld, van links naar rechts: Ohyoon, Giovanni & Piotr. Leer de fellows kennen (tekst verder in het Engels):

About Piotr

Piotr Steininger is a developer and UX designer, born and raised in Poland. He has spend the last fourteen years in the United States. He is looking forward to coming to Amsterdam: “I’m bringing two suitcases, a laptop and a metric ton of excitement!” He is passionate about making innovative and cutting-edge technology work. “I love to learn and experiment with practical applications of latest technologies. My greatest strength is being able to synthesize innovative solutions from what I learn.” In early 2012, he helped architect, design and develop a system connecting electric vehicles to their owners via cloud-based APIs. “I got to work on just about every component of the system from cloud to mobile. The prototype was successfully unveiled at SXSW in Austin.” Finally, we asked Piotr if he knows ‘Stroopwafels’, important if you are coming to Holland. “Yes, indeed I do! I was introduced to ‘the Stroopwafel’ by a friend from Amsterdam. He gave us one big package but it did not last more than a day.”

About Giovanni

Giovanni Maggini is an Italian developer, who knows all about iOS, C# and Human Computer Interaction. “I am most proud of the prize I received at the Apps4Italy Open Data competition with the DoveSiButta project.” Giovanni is also a persistent person: “When faced with a challenge I document myself and then do my best to face the issue one step at a time. I am sure I will stubbornly overcome it.” While Giovanni does not know our national pride, the Stroopwafel, he does come up with a creative response. “The word 'wafel' is similar to 'waffle', which I love. So I hope it's something tasty.” Well Giovanni, it is. So come and find out!

About Ohyoon

Ohyoon Kwon is a concept designer and business developer from South Korea. He is empathic, resilient and passionate. He wants to make sure that people love to use and nurture the products he develops. “I like getting people involved in creative processes to let them feel ownership on what they do.” Ohyoon is very proud of the mobile service he prototyped with homeless people and several organisations from London, which is now live and used by many. And how about the 'Stroopwafel'? “Of course I know them! I give Stroopwafels to my friends outside of Holland and advertise that it is the best food product from this country.”


