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Webinar: A distributed answer to a global crisis

Our partners over at Italian multidisciplinary studio OpenDot are organising an interesting webinar on Thursday 21 May from 17:00-18:00 hrs. As part of the EU project Distributed Design, they will focus on ideas, communities and rules for a distributed answer to the global crisis caused by COVID-19.

In less than five weeks, more than five million solutions for the crisis have been produced by makers and designers from all around the world, to help hospitals and other healthcare structures, and to tackle the spread of the virus. This shows us collaboration, digital technologies and a distributed system of local production can really make a difference. It is also the first time the maker community has to deal with a complex yet fundamental regulatory framework to guarantee the safety of all solutions produced. What has been done, what can we still do and what do we need to think about when producing these solutions? OpenDot will talk to various researchers and makers to explore these subjects.

Find more information and join the webinar on the OpenDot website



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Made4You is gefinancieerd vanuit het Horizon 2020 onderzoek- en innovatieprogramma van de Europese Unie, onder overeenkomst no. 780298.