Job Spierings will present the CitySDK project at the design & technology meetup #25 in The Hague on 29 November 2013, 17 hrs.
Cities and municipalities publishing Open Data is a nice idea, but if every single municipality or other level of government publishes their data in their own format and at their own end point, building apps on top of that Open Data just takes too much time. CitySDK brings together several open data sources and presents them in a uniform API. You might already know it from this stunning visualisation of all buildings in the Netherlands.
/dev/haag is a monthly meetup in The Hague that aims to bring together coders, hackers, artists, designers, UX specialists and other 'makers' from The Hague and beyond.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Binckhorstlaan 36
Office C348
Den Haag