Maurizio MontaltiFellow
Maurizio Montalti (founder and director of “Officina Corpuscoli”) is a multidisciplinary designer, researcher, artist, and engineer interested in life and in bigger and smaller insights about it. He believes in the role of the designer as a bridge between different fields of action: particularly science, art, society, industry...
His work touches relevant design issues, such as the role which design could play in a biotech revolution in relation to sustainability, and to the novel possibilities that this marriage of disciplines could create in a future society.
The fascination for the micro-scale, together with his holistic vision of the world as a macro-organism and a strong belief in symbiotic relationships are some of his main drives. Through these explorations one of his primary aims is to question common behaviour and to provoke critical thinking in regards to what we take for granted.
In such way, he uses design as a tool and a strategy for questioning culture.
His methodology consists of creating deep, analytical research, both theoretical and prctical (hands-on), in order to be able to find novel inspirations, creating new perspectives and unprecedented thoughts, which, through the use of multiple communicative media, will end up as innovative design outcomes.
After graduating in 2010 from the IM Master course (Conceptual Design in Context) at the DAE -Design Academy Eindhoven-, he founded “Officina Corpuscoli”, a multidisciplinary studio, providing Creative Consultancy and developing both Conceptual and Commercial works, often being inspired by living systems and organisms. Amongst other places, Maurizio’s work has been exhibited at the Triennale Design Museum (Milan, 2011), Audax Textiel Museum (Tilburg, 2011), Naturalis (Leiden, 2011), Mediamatic (Amsterdam, 2012).