Slave for Love
Slave for Love BY-NC-SA

KiiCS Award for DIY Lab Easy and Slave for Love

The European KiiCS Award on arts and science for innovation went to “Lab Easy: DIY Biology for the Bio-Curious” – a new concept of lab designed to learn about life sciences “by doing” and developed as part of the arts&science activities run by Arts Catalyst (UK) - and to “Slave for Love” – a device detecting whether you are in love or not by measuring the level of oxytocin in your body, developed as part of arts&science activities run by Kapelica Gallery (SL) - in the Young Adults section. The Adult winners (Asa Callow and Rachael Turner from Mad Lab) will be offered free business mentoring support by the St. John’s Innovation Centre in Cambridge, whilst the Young Adult (Petja Skomina) will receive an iPad Mini. 

The winning ideas obtained the highest scores amongst the 18 (for Adults) and 6 (for Young Adults) ideas resulting from the arts&science incubation processes experimented over the lifetime of the EU-supported project KiiCS. Very creative ideas resulted from such processes, going from bio-art installations producing real-time images to a box made of matt glass which is absolutely silent inside and helps facing the problem of noise pollution occurring in cities. 

Arts&science ideas were assessed by an International Jury composed of five arts and science experts (from Ars Electronica, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, ARTE France…) on the basis of originality and innovation criteria. 

The International Jury also gave a Special Mention in the Adults Section to “DA4GA / Living Mirror” (a mirror detecting faces or images based on magnetic bacteria and developed as part of Waag’s arts&science incubation actions (NL)). A similar mention was awarded in the Young Adults Section to “Ergonomics, study of the back and design of a system to detect bad positions” by the Youth Advisory Board, a body gathering young people in charge of providing inputs to and promoting KiiCS across Europe. This idea was developed at Domus (ES). 

Winners were unveiled on 26th September at the KiiCS Award Ceremony taking place in Amsterdam, as part of the Discovery Festival.

