Random Number Multiples by Jer Thorp
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Over App wedstrijden en Open Data

Bij het ePSI Platform is een Engelstalig rapport verschenen over App wedstrijden en het hergebruik van Open Data, onder de titel 'Innovation Contests for Open Data'. Het rapport is geschreven door Antti Poikala en Frank Kresin (Waag) kan worden gedownload onder een Creative Commons Naamsvermelding licentie. De publicatie brengt inzichten samen uit diverse Europese landen die App wedstrijden hebben georganiseerd en is een uitkomst van het Open Knowledge Festival dat in september 2012 in Helsinki werd gehouden.

Uit de inleiding:

"By now we've seen many open data app contests, in many forms, all around world. In a way, this continuous sprawl is a success in itself. However, there are certain common themes emerging. There is a demand and a need to learn from each other and to design better and more sustainable models for boosting the innovation around open data.

This topic report will bring together insights from contest organisers from various countries. The insights are based on a meeting of over twenty-fve app contest organisers in Helsinki during the Open Knowledge Festival in September 2012 and on a questionnaire that was sent out to over sixty app contest developers. From this, we have compiled the most useful lessons learned. What can be expected from running a contest? What ingredients make a contest successful? What caveats should be avoided? What can be done to create sustainable impact? Who should be involved, at what stage, and to what end? We hope these insights will be beneficial to new contest organisers and will help create new editions of existing contests."

Download het rapport (pdf, Engelstalig)




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This project has received funding from the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme of the European Commission.