The other diner
Chloé Rutzerveld BY-NC-SA

Video: The Other Dinner

The Other Dinner was an experimental and interactive dinner that investigated the meat culture of the past, the present and the future. We prepared and ate parts of the pig, cow, chicken or sheep that are normally intended for export or animal feed. We dined, discussed and experimented.

A day with scientists, artists, chefs and a wide variety of cultures with talks by Koert van Mensvoort (Next Nature), Cor van der Weele (Wageningen Universiteit), beautiful leather bags from designer Victoria Ledig, a spectacular cooking demo by  Roel van Kollem en Rob Hagenouw (de Keuken van het Ongewenst Dier), Pieter van Boheemen (DIY Biologist in our Open Wetlab) and Zack Denfeld & Cat Kramer (Center for Genomic Gastronomy). Check out this video-report for a glimpse of The Other Dinner.

This event was organized by Chloé Rutzerveld, intern at the Open Wetlab, within her graduation programme at the TU/e and was part of our Cutting Edge series of workshops, made possible by the AFK.

Photos in this set at Flickr