Lucas Evers of Waag's Open Wetlab will speak at a BioArt & BioDesign meeting in Paris France on 6 March 2014.
This meeting on BioArt and Biodesign comes with a the presentation of artists' projects that are using biotech in laboratories to create a living art. Before that, some of the major artistic, social, cultural, aesthetic and ethical issues related to biotechnology will be explored during this study day.
With (in French):
- Annick Bureaud, critique d’art, directrice Leonardo/Olats, Paris
- David Benqué, designer et chercheur, Londres
- Thibaud Coradin, directeur de recherche, Collège de France, Paris
- Anna Dumitriu, artiste, Brighton
- Lucas Evers, Waag, institut pour l’art, la science et la technologie, Amsterdam
- Lia Giraud, artiste, doctorante Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
- Marion Laval-Jeantet du duo Aoo, Art Orienté Objet, Paris
- Emmanuel Mahé, chercheur en usages émergents, Paris
- Morgan Meyer, sociologue de l’innovation, INRA et AgroParisTech, Paris
- Franck Perez, biologiste cellulaire, Institut Curie, Paris
- Claude Yepremian, ingénieur d’études, Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris
The day will be moderated by Didier Laval, head of project Ecsite, of the European network of Science Centers and Museums, Bruxelles, proposed by Décalab in collaboration with Leonardo/Olats.
The programme of the day can be found here, where you can also register for the day.
6 March 2014
from 9.00 to 18.00 hrs
Amphithéâtre Langevin de l’ESPCI ParisTech
Paris, France