Maker education conference FabLearn
hack the learning future

Brave New Learning conference 2019

Waag is one of the partners in the Brave New Learning Conference 2019 (11-12 February at OBA Amsterdam) that will gather international and local learning professionals, innovative companies and policy makers to share ideas, learn from each other and hack together some of the most prominent learning challenges we face.

At Brave New Learning, Waag invites you to explore two perspectives on maker education: arts & science. We organise two workshops on maker education and a 'fireside chat' at the conference.


Waag @ Brave New Learning

  • Monday 11 February, 11.30-13.00 hrs, Two perspectives on maker education, art vs. science (location Prinsenzaal 6.6)
  • Monday 11 February, 14.00-15.30 hrs, Fireside chat with Karien Vermeulen (Head of programme Learn at Waag)
  • Tuesday 12 February, 14.00-15.30 hrs, Frank Vloet and Pam de Sterke from Waag will host a workshop Maker Education, social innovation & entrepreneurial skills (location Prinsenzaal 6.6)

Two perspectives on maker education: arts vs. science

Maker education is not a uniform, standardized method. It has various shapes and approaches. Art doesn't exclude science, nor is one better then the other, but maker education can have a different emphasis. In this interactive workshop we will explore what it means when you start from a science & engineering perspective, and from an arts & creativity perspective. We will do this by doing two hands-on maker challenges (which you can repeat in your own classroom), on which we will reflect to discuss the differences in it means to work from an arts or science perspective, and in what ways they can be combined to re-enforce each other.

DO IT maker education, social innovation & entrepreneurial skills

A hands-on workshop about how to design maker education programmes for social innovation. In a learning experience design session, we will connect the materials and maker education activities to social innovation challenges. Afterwards you will go home with a draft of your own maker education activity for social innovation. Waag will share learnings and insights from their European collaboration in maker education – DO IT: Entrepreneurial skills for young social innovators in an open digital world.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 770063.

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OBA, Oosterdokskade Amsterdam


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DOIT is gesubsidieerd door de Europese Unie binnen het onderzoeks- en innovatieprogramma Horizon 2020, volgens grant agreement nr: 770063.