Marleen Stikker and Karien Vermeulen of Waag will participate in the Open Innovation 2.0 Conference 2016 in Amsterdam on 24 May 2016.
During the Open Innovation 2.0 event several topics will discussed, like European Innovation Living labs; Innovation Ecosystems; OI2 funding opportunities under Horizon 2020; Online Engagement Platforms (Big Data, Cloud, IoT, participatory design); etc. The conference will be preceded by a Camp for Societal Innovation which will bring together people with different backgrounds to address the challenges brought by cities, regions, industry, universities and NGOs.
Marleen Stikker will be part of the panel on Digital Economy and Open Borders (11.10 – 12.10), while Karien Vermeulen (Creative Learning Lab) will participate in the Parallel Session 2: Learning for Open Innovation. Livestreams are available.
The conference is held on 23 & 24 May at KIT (Royal Tropical Institute), an international knowledge hub that conducts research, analyses and publishes knowledge from around the globe.