Public Stack visual
for data sovereignty

Public Stack Summit

June 19th we’ll set our sails for open water to fix the broken internet. An unconferenced conference with over 50 public stack pioneers, during We Make The City festival in Amsterdam.

The past 20 years the integrity of the internet has been bargained away by the unscrupulous big tech firms. With recent attention on the dark side of surveillance capitalism and data extractivism it has become inevitable to invest in open, fair and inclusive internet. On every level of the ‘digital stack’, alternatives are more needed than ever. From hardware to firmware, operating systems to applications, identity design to sensors: the internet needs to be fixed.

'The internet needs to be fixed.'

The task might seem ambitious or even impossible. But pioneers are working on alternatives. And society and politicians are more awake. With the vitality and creativity that is typical for hackers, designers and activists we can rebuild a public and civic internet.

An internet where the technology is open, accountable, distributed, encrypted and privacy by design, the business model is based on the commons. No data extraction and monetisation, no capital investments that force exponential growth. The design is excellent, user friendly and accessible for everyone and the governance structure is accountable with democratic control.

Protocols and architectures like ActivityPub and Decode are promising. DuckDuckGo, ProtonMail, Signal, Ubuntu and Arduino show that it is possible. But how do these work together? What are the strategies, solutions and connections? What are the missing layers of the stack?

This public summit will be organized by Decode and Waag. DECODE is a European funded research project, to design an internet that respects the data sovereignty of all European citizens.

Registration for this event has ended.

Some confirmed attendees of the public stack summit:

  • Marleen Stikker - founder/director at Waag
  • Francesca Bria - CTO City of Barcelona & project coordinator DECODE
  • Evgeny Morozov - Writer & publicist 
  • Aral Balkan – Cyborg rights activist
  • Laura Kalbag – Designer & writer
  • Todd Weaver - Founder & CEO at Purism 
  • Ahmed Aarad – Writer & privacy expert
  • Jaromil – Researcher & developer at Dyne
  • Julie Dawson – Director of regulatory & policy at Yoti
  • Douwe Schmidt - Privacy Officer Fairphone
  • Geert Lovink - Institute of Network Cultures
  • Sophie Bloemen - Commons Network




WeMakeThe.City, Amsterdam


EU official flag

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 732546.