Pieter van Boheemen (Open Wetlab Waag) will speak at TEDx Katowice in Poland on September 30th. The theme of his speech will be: 'Together Science, what's in it for me?'.
Pieter is fascinated about inclusive innovation. He develops new tools and methods for knowledge production and researches the establishment of networks for open and collaborative post-normal science that enable citizens to be an actor in and influence the trajectory of knowledge production, co-create moral frameworks in this process and transform their environment and lives. He leads the Open Wetlab, TextileLab and Fablab Amsterdam teams at Waag. He is an expert in biological technologies, an award winning entrepreneur and world recognized speaker on Biohacking and DIYBio. He has organized dozens of hands-on art science “Do It Together Bio” workshops, led more than 150 Dutch DIYBio community events and presents a YouTube channel on making and hacking things.