On the 23rd of January 2013, the book Witnessing You, On Trust and Truth in a Networked World, was launched in de Appel arts centre in Amsterdam. The book presents the artistic research by 13 artists. This artistic research is fundamental to the unique interdisciplinary research programme Participatory Systems Initiative at TU Delft. The book is edited by Carolien Nevejan, who co-founded Waag in 1994.
Explore the original research at: being-here.net.
Foreword: Manuel Castells
- Kadir van Lohuizen
- Debra Solomon
- Ronald Ophuis
- Zoro Feigl
- Afaina de Jong
- Anna Carlgren
- Jodi
- Merlijn Twaalfhoven
- Martin Butler
- Karen Lancel & Hermen Maat
- Luna Maurer & Andreas Zangger
- Chin-Lien Chen & Chris Vermaas
- Angelo Vermeulen
About the book
Witnessing You, On Trust and Truth in a Networked World
382 p, ills colour & bw, 16 x 24 cm, hb, English, price: € 22
Distribution: Idea Books, Amsterdam
ISBN/EAN: 978 90 819839 0 7