
Smart Citizens Lab
The Smart Citizens Lab helps citizens appropriate the internet of things to map out and improve their living environments.

Urban Ecology Lab
The Urban Ecology Lab researches and creates a new perspective on urban development involving living nature.

Commons Lab
The Commons Lab researches and promotes the commons: shared resources, managed by a community.

Future Internet Lab
The Future Internet Lab questions the power of big tech and researches alternatives.

Future Heritage Lab
The Future Heritage Lab focuses on heritage as an entity that is in constant flux, its place in contemporary debates, and the role of technology.

Maker Education Lab
The Maker Education Lab focuses on contemporary and new forms of learning. Maker education enables people to learn by doing.

The Fablab (Fabrication Laboratory) at Waag offers instruments and machines for digital fabrication, and an international education trajectory.

Open Design Lab
The Open Design Lab makes innovation in the make and design industry transparant and accessible for artists, designers, entrepreneurs, and citizens.

Open Wetlab
The Open Wetlab researches biotechnologies and their impact on ecology and society. A leading place for bio-art, biodesign and do-it-together biology.

Space Lab
By gaining insight into our imagery of the Earth, societies can become more inclusive and competent in the field of environmental issues.

The TextileLab bridges the gap between textiles and technology and brings innovation to the slowly changing fashion industry.