Screenshot Case Studies for Participatory Mobility website
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Case Studies for Participatory Mobility

For the EU project Urbanite, Waag took a creative approach by publishing the report 'Case Studies for Participatory Mobility' in a comprehensible, clickable web format. The subject of this report, ‘experiences with disruptive technology in other industries’, covers a wide subject range and brings with it the need to identify and limit the scope. The title and subject raise a number of questions:

  • What is disruptive technology?
  • Which industries are relevant for this study?
  • With so many examples of disruptions ‘in action’, which examples should this study consider in order to contribute quality insights to Urbanite partners and others involved in the field of participatory mobility?

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This research was conducted as part of the Urbanite project. The research contributes to the project deliverable D2.1, ‘Analysis of experiences [with disruptive technology] in other industries’. Research, writing, editing, and publication occurred from Summer 2020 through Spring 2021 and was led by Max Kortlander and Danai Papathanasiou at Waag, with substantial contributions from other Urbanite project partners.




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Urbanite has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870338.