Waag's Creative Care Lab is featured in the March/April 2018 edition of Frame magazine, with an article called 'Healthcare Lab - Healing in time'. This article comes as a follow-up on the Health Embassy we curated at the Dutch Design Week in 2017.
"The role of design in healthcare is much more than making a product, service or interior aesthetically appealing. It’s about something deeper, which starts from design research and design thinking," - Sabine Wildevuur, head of our Creative Care Lab.
Science and technology are pushing healthcare forward at a fast pace, and spaces devoted to healthcare need to follow suit. As the effects of a patient’s physical surroundings become more and more evident, traditionally designed medical facilities are being replaced by human-centric, service-orientated healing environments that are created to ease treatment and, ultimately, to stimulate recovery.
Download a copy of the article (pdf, courtesy of Frame magazine)