Duncan Rawlinson BY-NC

Mastering Bitcoin: a resume

This is an abbreviated version of the Dutch version of this text.

This weekend I finally analyzed Bitcoin, by reading the early release version of the book Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas M. Antonopoulos that is to be published in December of this year. It is technically oriented and as the text progresses, more and more code snippets appear that assume the reader has knowledge of programming in python or c++. If you, like me, haven't programmed in over a decade, this is a challenge, but you read through it quickly.

Mastering Bitcoin pays no attention to the political and economic consequences of the Bitcoin; much has been written about this elsewhere. It touches briefly the many other opportunities that Bitcoin and derived systems have to offer, including for the conclusion of contracts and the registration of ownership. Nevertheless, it gives the interested layman a good impression of what is invented here and how special that is. The code in the book went too far for me here and there, but what remains is that the principles of Bitcoin will still continue to exist long after the last Bitcoin is issued.

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