MUV-app wandeling Buitenveldert

Moving around in Amsterdam Buitenveldert

The MUV-app is developed as part of the European project Mobility Urban Values to stimulate sustainable mobility. The app promotes sustainable transport by means of gamification. On Friday April 5, inhabitants of the area Buitenveldert took the app for a test during their neighbourhood walk.  

Social and active Buitenveldert

Multiple events have been organised last year in Buitenveldert, during which we analysed together with local residents how the neighbourhood can get healthier and greener. The local residents emphasized that they would like to be more active together with others. Two very important themes in this area are thus making more social contacts and staying healthy.

These two themes came together during the active and fun neighbourhood walk on April 5. The residents walked with the guidance of a local physiotherapist through the neighbourhood. The MUV app could be used during the walk, which would score the walkers based on their movements. During and after the walk the scores were checked and compared with each other.

Reflection of the participants

After the refreshing walk it was time for a reflection while enjoying some coffee and tea. Though in previous co-creation sessions the MUV app was seen as a good and fun addition to a neighbourhood walk, the participants were not very enthusiastic this time. The possibility of using the gained points during the walk later on (e.g. for discounts or to all together save up for something with the whole neighbourhood) would be a possible improvement. The participants also proposed to have exercises shown on the app during the walk, together with an explanation and correction when the exercise is not performed correctly.

Even though the app was not enjoyed by everyone, the reflection on the walk was very positive. The participants liked to be active together with others, and to at the same time get exercises and help from the local physiotherapist. They were super enthusiastic to do these walks more often in the future, "preferably again next week!".

The next steps

The idea is to organise similar events more often and on fixed times by local organisations within the neighbourhood. Together with Dynamo and physiotherapists of CFF is currently being discussed how such a neighbourhood walk can more frequently be organised without direct support of Waag and the MUV project. This way the neighbourhood will work together towards a sustainable and healthy future.

More information about the European research project Mobility Urban Values can be found on

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Mobility Urban Values has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 723521.