ScratchWorx console onder het stof
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ScratchWorx 2
Creative Learning Lab

A new home for our ScratchWorx installations

For years our two ScratchWorx installations were used as educational VJ/DJ-tools. One of the interactive consoles did even travel on a tour with rapper Ali B. And we held numerous workshops on several locations with them. But for some time already they were just gathering dust.

We have been looking for a new destination for our old ScratchWorx equipment. After all, they are full of electronics inside: potentiometers, displays, LED-lighting, you name it. A console consists of three metal enclosures, together forming the installation: two video consoles and one audio console. There must be people that can use this stuff.

We are very happy to have found a good way to recycle them! One of the installations goes to Dave Krooshof, who teaches sound technics and audio editing at the Theatre school in Amsterdam. The other one will find a new home at the Light-Up collective.

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