Eclectis smart citizens

Towards a peer-to-peer economy

A contribution by Ester van der Geest and Frank Kresin

Going from poor-to-poor towards peer-to-peer: how do we get to an open, sustainable and purpose economy? How are we all going to benefit from sharing, and not letting giants like Facebook, Uber and Airbnb grab all the assets? Waag will search for the new paradigm of value creation, together with frontman of the commons: Michel Bauwens.

At the end of February, we held a first meeting at the Waag around the commons. With Bauwens, founder of the P2P foundation. Also present were (among others): Triodos Bank, Amsterdam Smart City, Creative Industries FUnd NL, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and Dutch governmental institutions. What is the promise of peer-to-peer, are we ready for it, and how can the city facilitate all the many different initiatives?

The complete text of this blog post is available in Dutch.

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