Expeditie: toekomst - Toekomstwandeling
Wardie Hellendoorn BY-NC-SA

This was... Expedition: future!

Imagine a place that’s a lot like Earth. We’ll call it planet B. Planet B is a place of natural beauty — unspoiled by pollution, unmonitored by satellites, untouched by the hand of human endeavour. What would you take to that new place from the earth, and what would you leave behind? 

From 23 to 26 September, Waag organised Expedition: future, a four-day event filled with workshops, debate, walks, food and music, on various locations in Amsterdam. Over 700 visitors joined us at the twelve different parts of the programme. We were very happy to welcome you back again!

All the links to re-watch the online programmes, and more information can be found on the Dutch side of the website.

Read this article in Dutch