DSI4EU event

Digital Social Innovation Policy Event

Digital platforms are providing new, successful ways to involve people in influencing and developing public policies, collaborate with other citizens on addressing social challenges, and developing solutions that address their needs. Innovations that use technology to address social challenges are often referred to as Digital Social Innovation (DSI) or Tech for Good, and they are growing rapidly. So far, over a thousand of those DSI initiatives have been identified in Europe alone.

They comprise resource sharing, crowdfunding, and collective awareness platforms, the booming and diverse maker movement, and recent advances in decentralizing democratic participation and civic action. All of these use the internet to create open and inclusive networks by connecting and empowering independent, responsible local actors to collectively tackle pressing issues. They are widely dispersed and small-to-medium in size, but their impact is huge and tangible. Together they offer a vital ground for bottom up innovation and change.

DSI has been studied extensively by researchers from Nesta, Waag, ESADE and others. More information can be found in this report as well as on digitalsocial.eu (beta).

In this roundtable, we will bring together front-runners of DSI research and practice to discuss its current shape, future forms and potential impact on society on both a small and large scale. We will dive into its merits and explore the ways in which the EU can foster, stimulate and benefit from this vibrant field. DSI can strengthen social bonds, leverage civic entrepreneurship, create and share many forms of value, make cities and countries sustainable and resilient, and help to turn Europe into the hotbed of social innovation that is dearly needed. New approaches will help, and DSI is one of them.

If you would like to attend this meeting, please visit the website of Marietje Schaake to register.


  • Marietje Schaake (ALDE)

Panel with:

  • Geoff Mulgan (NESTA)
  • Antonella Passani (T6 Ecosystems)
  • Josef Prusa (Prusa Printers)
  • Fabrizio Sestini (DG-Connect)
  • Marleen Stikker (Waag)

Meta data


17:00 hrs


European Parliament, Room A5G–1, Brussels, Belgium


EU official flag

DSI4EU, formally known as DSISCALE, is supported by the European Union and funded under the Horizon 2020 Programme, grant agreement no 780473.