Testing DNA - solve a crime!
In this workshop we will run DNA tests, like they do in the CSI series. Within five interactive workshops, we are going to show youngsters between 14 and 17 years old what biotech is all about.
KiiCS - Knowledge Incubation in Innovation and Creation for Science - is a three-year European project in which creative people, scientists and young adults are brought together. The project is aimed at encouraging creativity and innovation through new forms of interaction between art and science: so-called ‘Art & Science Incubation’. For this project, Waag is organizing five exciting workshops! In our own open laboratory, participants will learn all about biotechnology and how to use this technologie for development aid. For the first two workshops, anyone between 14 and 17 years old can register (7,50 euro p.p). For the other three workshops teachers can register their class. Teachers can contact us for more information.
The themes
- Bio-batteries ( 21/5 ) - Make your own electricity with mud
- Bioforensics ( 28/5 ) - Find the perpetrator with DNA research
- Brewing fuel (date in consultation with the teacher) - No beer but gasoline
- ExtractionXL (date in consultation with the teacher) - Extract (medicinal) substances from plants
- Nerve Zapping (date in consultation with the teacher) - Listen and see nerve fibers in action
KiiCS Award
During the interactive workshops we will build prototypes and participants will hopefully get ideas on how they can use these in developing countries. The best ideas can compete for the European KiiCS Award!
Workshops organized by Waag made possible by KiiCS: Knowledge Incubation in Creation and Innovation for Science. A FP7 programme of the European Union.