Join Waag fair @ PICNIC '12
Waag BY
EYE Film Institute
Cerfon BY-NC-SA

Waag @ PICNIC '12 (Day 1)

As a premium sponsor of PICNIC, we're proud to be omnipresent at PICNIC, Europe’s largest platform for innovation and creativity, taking place this year at the Eye Film Institute in Amsterdam on 17 & 18 September 2012. All our labs have valuable input around this year’s theme of “New Ownership: the shift from top down to bottom up”.

Join Waag at PICNIC, whether you’re into DIY Bio, Open Design or education, there’s something for you. 


Waag Fair 
10:00 - 17:00 (Waag Fair - outside EYE)

Risk it
A lower leg prosthesis that costs less than $50 and can be locally produced by small businesses? Learn about our project 'Low Cost Prosthesis’, experience what it is to have only one leg and discover how you can participate. Do you dare?

Open it
Do you have any idea what your mobile phone looks like on the inside? Come and find out in our Urban Mine. Because we believe: 'If you can’t open it, you don’t own it!’

Data Visualization 
10:00 - 17:00 (App Ecosystem Tent) 
Waag presents a data visualization using all available open data sets for Amsterdam. Come and create your own map of the city based on open data. A visualization for our project City SDK.

​​Day 1

Waag and Rijksmuseum Rijks Studio Fablab Workshop 
10:00 - 12:00 (Fablab)
The Rijksmuseum invites designers, creators and the curious to create things based on images from its world-class art collection. Waag’s experts help you channel your DIY-talents with 3D printers, a laser cutter, a vinyl cutter or good, old-fashioned canvas and paint.

PICNIC Young - Workplace of the future (Socratic Conversation)
With Keimpe de Heer, Director of our Creative Learning Lab
10:00 - 12:00 (Open Coop)
What does education look like in the 21st century? What would be the ideal workplace? A group of students will discuss these issues during a Socratic conversation with philosopher Humberto Schwab.

Discussion: Why DIY? Biotech in the Backyard
With our Director Marleen Stikker and Lucas Evers, head of our Wetlab 
13:30 - 15:00 (Cinema 3)
Can DIY make biotech open, affordable and accessible to all? Learn from the experts about the aims and impact of DIY bio. And be there for the launch of the GooDIY Bio competition.

Digital Disruptions 
With our Research Director, Frank Kresin 
13:30 - 17:15 (Exhibition 3)
Which “digital disruptions” will affect our lives in the coming years? Collectively explore a number of scenarios to come up with meaningful answers.

PICNIC Young - Fablab session 
13:30 - 17:15 (Fablab) 
A group of young creatives will show you what their ideal future looks like! Inspired by the Socratic conversation with by philosopher Humberto Schwab, students will work on designing their 21st century workplace in a mobile Fablab (Fabrication Laboratory).

Open Data Mobility workshop 
With our Project Developer, Karen van der Moolen 
14:00 - 17:00 (App Ecosystem Tent)
In this workshop we will devise open data applications - with the theme of mobility as starting point - that contribute to fewer accidents, choosing the easiest route and the best transportation. After this, you will learn to design business models for open data initiatives.

Keynote “If you can't open it, you don't own it” 
With Bas van Abel, head of our Open Design Lab 
14:25 - 14:45 (Cinema 1)
Bas explains that "ownership through opening" will catalyze more responsibility, both within the industry and within society. Through one of Waag's latest projects, FairPhone, he explores the invisible systems behind our products.

Vodafone Firestarters: M-Health, From Lifestyle to Lifesaver
With Sabine Wildevuur, head of our Creative Care Lab 
15:30 - 16:30 (Cinema 4)
Vodafone Firestarters talks with industry experts about the future of health-related applications and creating apps with the potential to save lives.

Meta data


16:00 hrs


Eye Film Institute, Amsterdam
