Fortification game
The Defense Line of Amsterdam ('Stelling van Amsterdam' in Dutch) is a 135 km long circular defense at 15-20 km around the capital of Amsterdam which was built by the Ministry of War mostly between about 1881 and 1914. The Province of North Holland has commissioned Waag to create an interactive game for the defense line, together with five cultural organisations in the field.
Target of this project was to make the history and surroundings of the fortifications accessible for new user groups in an attractive way. In this adventure game young people get to know the history through the diary of the chief in command Ophorst. Ophorst did really exist, he had the command over the defense line during World War I.
This project will bridge cultural heritage, education and the use of innovative technology. By using a platform for mobile phones, a website and the locations of the fortifications it enables the interactive access to the historical (military) heritage. The game could be played both on location and online at the website.
Meta data
Project duration
- Fonds21
- Mondriaan Fonds
- Provincie Noord-Holland
- Natuurmonumenten
- Stadsherstel Amsterdam
- Rijksmuseum Muiderslot
- Landschap Noord-Holland
- Forteiland Pampus