MonsterMedia 2
The media game MonsterMedia 2 was a make-over of the first successful edition of MonsterMedia online game. The game platform received a technical and content update in 2013.
A renewed game experience
More than 25.000 pupils in The Netherlands and Belgium already knew the popular monsters of the media literacy game MonsterMedia. But the world and gaming is rapidly changing. Therefore, it was time to renew the game to keep it attractive for a new generation of children to explore.
About MonsterMedia 2
"A fun way of learning", is how a pupil described the game during a pilot lesson.
Pupils adopted their own baby monster and could make it nicer and stronger along the way. In the game world called "Mediana", the players could discover how different kinds of media work, like newspapers, radio, tv, internet, social media, and mobile devices. The game stimulated the strategic use of media and awareness of the influence of media on their own thinking and acting.
The game MonsterMedia is no longer available.
MonsterMedia 2 was developed by Kunstgebouw in cooperation with Waag and made possible by funding through Mediawijzer.net, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and SNS Reaal Fonds. University Utrecht partnered in the development. Art direction: Janine Huizenga, game implementation: 7scenes.
Meta data
Project duration
- Mediawijzer.net
- Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
- Fonds21
- 7scenes