Pop Up Video
The project Pop Up Video researched how the technique of projection mapping can be used to develop an application for youngsters to imagine and present their stories in a new and engaging way.
Projection mapping (or video mapping) makes it possible to project moving images on objects, being different from the standard displays. This makes the projection lively and also creates the illusion of spaciousness. The video can be combined with audio, to realise a true audiovisual story.
For this project, the technique was researched by intern Bianca van Zijtsel (HKU KMT Interaction Design). She developed a tool that sizes video to physical objects, creating a kind of pop up theater (comparable with pop up books). In developing the tool, special attention was made to the digital fabrication aspect to share designs with others, on multiple locations and through existing communities as Instructables and Vimeo.
Pop Up Video wants to stimulate young people to live their stories in a different way, by becoming an active participant in the information stream and to inspire them in a creative and innovative way.
At the Dutch educational IPON fair a prototype of the application was shown, with scenes from a story about Napoleon and the first Dutch king.
This project is made possible by a subsidy from the Creative Industries Fund NL.