
Co-creation Q&A

The RICHES project is all about the constant change in our society in relation to culture. The goal? Bringing cultural heritage and people together in a changing Europe and finding new ways of engaging with heritage in a digital world.

Sharing visions 
Practically, Waag thinks about how museums can present their collections in innovative ways in order to benefit all interested audiences and communities. We use co-creation to start the dialogue with them, and come together to create great, new ideas.

The RICHES team just started an interview series in which they ask several museums and team members of the project about their vision on co-creation within the heritage sector. And I’m the first to blaze the trail!

An interview about co-creation

Who are you and what do you do within the RICHES project?
I am Douwe-Sjoerd Boschman, concept developer at Waag, specialised in interactive storytelling. Within RICHES I am one of the facilitators of the co-creation sessions, held with young adults and museum staff, to design interventions and to enforce a breakthrough in how we can experience our cultural heritage in honest and inspiring ways.

What does the term co-creation mean to you, personally? 

Doing things together, respecting each other. With a diverse group of people from various discipline and backgrounds we can use our collective intelligence and creativity to design wonderful, innovative, solutions for everyone.

Why is heritage important for our society? 

It is the source for our inspirations and the future generations. Life is boring when we are not inspired to do the things we do. Heritage can connect us all.

How could the implementation of new technology affect the heritage sector?

It can connect people to their personal cultural heritage and to other people. It could make our heritage collections accessible and meaningful to each individual in a wide spread audience.

What have you learned so far from the RICHES project? 

We are all experts on our own lives, it is hard maybe almost impossible to think for others. And change takes time.

Do you have any co-creation tips that you would like to share with others?

Listen to others without inhibition; try to really listen to each other. Besides that, also try to follow your intuition in the creative process. Dare to play!

Want to know more? Visit the RICHES projectpage for all the ins & outs.





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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 612789.