City Science Summit 2019
City Science Summit ©

City Science Summit 2019

Meia Wippoo of Waag's Co-creation Lab will host a workshop on data-physicalisation at the City Science Summit in Hamburg on Wednesday October 2nd. The summit is hosted by the CityScienceLab at the HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU) in cooperation with the MIT Media Lab. 

The City Science Summit will look towards future cities that are more liveable and innovative in using novel technologies for urban decision-making, design, and operation. It explores a future WITHOUT top-down and increasingly obsolete systems. 90% of 21st century urban growth is expected to happen in the vast shantytowns of informal settlements, or in cities with almost nonexistent or collapsing infrastructure. What if heavy infrastructure can be replaced WITH lightweight, distributed and ultimately autonomous systems? 

How to find inspiring and creative ways to talk about your data

How can we make data a conversation-starter, instead of the dry and intangible information often hidden in graphs and charts? In the workshop Data without digitality, we will experiment with data-physicalisation: a creative and tangible way to evaluate, communicate and/or share data that you have collected, in a physical context, instead of on paper. Be ready to play with Lego, create landscapes, make interactive pieces and paint colorful pictures as this will be a hands-on session. We will use some data sets collected in the local pilot in Hamburg of the Cities 4 People project, but you can also bring your own data-set. 


