Closed projects
Participation @ Waternet

Smart Citizens Lab
Participation @ Waternet
Waternet strives to make the participative approach their standard approach in working, when possible and relevant. Waag's Smart Citizen Lab, aimed at citizen science, will help Waternet in taking the first step from pilots to a new policy.Mingei

Future Heritage Lab
In Mingei 9 European partners collaborated to digitise and unlock the (in)tangible aspect of crafts.Waag Makerbox

Maker Education Lab
Waag Makerbox
By making it yourself, you learn better how 'things' and 'systems' are put together and you can get creative with technology yourself.Co-creation navigator

Co-creation Lab
Co-creation navigator
Co-creation is a powerful way to deal with 'wicked problems' and innovate your professional practice.Mobility Urban Values

Future Internet Lab
Mobility Urban Values
Mobility Urban Values (MUV) is a three-year European project that examines how to engage citizens with 'gamification' in stimulating towards sustainable mobility choices in their neighbourhood.DO IT

Maker Education Lab
DO IT contributes to youth employment and to create new jobs in the social economy by nurturing in young pupils seeds for active social innovation: entrepreneurial mind-sets, knowhow and skills.Hortus Chat app

Future Heritage Lab
Hortus Chat app
Hortus Chat is a smartphone application for visitors to engage in a dialogue with plants.Cities-4-People

Co-creation Lab
Cities-4-People is a three year project that aims to implement a pilot program running at five urban and peri-urban areas where citizens, city authorities and innovation experts will work together as ‘communities’ to define the transport and mobility challenges and priorities that interest them, co-design ideas and concepts, put these concepts to the real test and then scale up those more potent.BigPicnic

Co-creation Lab