Amsterdam Smart Citizens Lab, Crash Course Noise Pollution

Crash Course #2: noise pollution

Join us for the second Smart Citizens crash course in measuring noise pollution at the FabCity Campus, on June 21st.

When is the best time to take a swim in the canals? Which route is the healthiest to take to work? And what’s the real level of noise pollution in your neighborhood? These are all examples of questions that could be answered during the Smart citizens crash course, organized by Waag.

Map, make & measure

The second crash course is all about noise pollution. Curious to know what sound levels you are exposed to when you’re at a concert or festival? Is your neighbour organising techno parties and causing you sleepless nights? Then this sessions might an interesting one to join.

In this crash course you’ll explore different sensors to measure noise levels; from high-tech, to simple DIY-solutions. You’ll take part in a small field experiment; collecting data and experimenting with strategies to make sense of the data. If you want to you can even build your own sensor!

Join the course!

Tickets are € 10 per crash course (to be paid on entrance, cash only). We will provide you with the materials needed to build the sensors and access to machines to make additional (sensor)parts.

Are you a rookie in technology? No worries, everyone can join our crash courses – as said, all levels are welcome. We have experienced tutors to guide you during the sessions. 

Your tutors 

Nicolò Merendino
Nicolò is the new digital fabrication researcher of Fablab Amsterdam. Starting from an internship at STEIM in The Netherlands, he already collaborated with the development of several electronic music instruments and sound installations all over Europe (using strictly open source software).

Pieter van Boheemen
Pieter is an all-rounder in digital fabrication and biotechnology, founder of the Dutch Do It Yourself Biology community, BioHack Academy and supervisor of the Open Wetlab laboratory for creative biotechnology. He has taught numerous Do It Together Bio workshops to designers, artists, scientists, engineers and hackers of all age groups on the subject of biohacking, biodesign and bio informatics. Pieter is a frequent user of Open Source hardware and creator of many open source science devices.

We thank Makerversity for sharing their facilitations.





Makerversity, FabCity Campus, Amsterdam (Java-eiland)


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Making Sense heeft financiering ontvangen van het onderzoeks- en innovatie­programma Horizon 2020 van de Europese Unie onder subsidie­overeenkomst nr. 688620.