CCCB Barcelona
Jaqme BY-NC-SA
CCCB Barcelona
Anne Helmond BY-NC-SA

Digital Social Innovation conference Barcelona

The city of Barcelona has started an exciting digital social innovation* (DSI) process and is launching a new round of funding to support, grow and scale an ecosystem of projects and organisations. The purpose of this event is bringing together social entrepreneurs, hackers, communities and researchers working in DSI fields such as digital manufacturing, the collaborative economy, open democracy and digital rights.

On February 7th, the City of Barcelona Office of Technology and Digital Innovation in collaboration with the European Commission will launch the DSI4BCN platform with a new round of funding, the next Collective Awareness Platforms call (CAPS InfoDay) and the DECODE project.

  • On February 7th morning the Data Sovereignty for the Collaborative Economy and CAPS InfoDay will take place at CCCB, Aula 1, from 10:00-14:30h. DSI4BCN will foster digital innovations for the social good, helping communities share data, collaborate to solve societal problems and scale their initiatives focusing on open technologies that enable new sustainable business models and preserve people's privacy and digital sovereignty.
  • On February 8 & 9th we will hold the kick-off meeting of DECODE, a new flagship EU project. DECODE will develop a decentralised data architecture based on blockchain technology to strengthen data sovereignty of citizens and experiment next generation platform cooperatives.

As a partner in both the DSI4EU and DECODE projects, Waag will attend the conference with a delegation.

* Digital Social Innovation (DSI) is “a type of collaborative innovation in which innovators, users and communities collaborate using digital technologies to co-create knowledge and solutions for a wide range of social needs and at a scale that was unimaginable before the rise of the Internet” (

(This conference will be in English).





CCCB, 5 Carrer de Montalegre, 08001 Barcelona


EU official flag

DSI4EU, formally known as DSISCALE, is supported by the European Union and funded under the Horizon 2020 Programme, grant agreement no. 780473.