Teacher maker camp

Educators & Tech NL Meetup

On 21 April, Waag will host the third Educators and Tech NL meetup for two great presentations about teaching programming (by Lieke Boon) and maker education (by Waag's Creative Learning Lab).

Presentation 1: What I learned teaching programming  
By Lieke Boon

Lieke Boon will present about her journey in tech and what she's learned so far. She taught herself to code in 2012 and it changed her life forever!  In this talk she'll share her story, her life-lessons when it comes to learning how to code and her experiences with teaching programming to (especially) women.  

Lieke Boon has worked as a Rails developer, organised code events to encourage girls to get into tech at VHTO,  PyLadies Amsterdam and Rails Girls Amsterdam. She is also Dutch Ambassador for the European Code Week, public speaker, creator of codepancake.com and in April she is joining GitHub as Community Manager.

Presentation 2: Maker Education (Waag) 
By Robin van Westen and Karien Vermeulen

In the Netherlands, a lively climate of makerspaces, pioneering educators and students have been discovering what Maker education can do for them. Now, we are on the verge of putting this type of collaboration on the map. The Platform Maker Education is focused on scaling up activities and allowing more children to work in makerspaces. And in FabSchool we are developing maker projects that are creative, fun and ‘do-able’ for kids.We will get you up to speed on the work we’ve done with educators, other maker spaces and politics, and share strategies and lessons learned.

Doors open at 7pm, each of the two speakers will have 30 minutes, including Q&A and the presentations will be in English.




Waag, Nieuwmarkt 4, 1012 CR Amsterdam
