Maker education at Maakplaats 021

Making young social innovators

Today, educational practice faces the challenge of preparing children and young learners to actively participate in the innovation society. How can children and young students increase social and entrepreneurial innovation skills to form their future? How can they makes use of digital tools and methods offered in the newly open maker spaces? What methods of empowerment and innovation can be used by teachers, parents and trainers with young learners?

These, and lots of other questions will be discussed during this special, free online course on social innovation education in maker spaces. 

After completion of this course you will:

  • have acquired basic skills in training students to observe societal problems around their neighbourhood and to develop creative ideas;
  • have learned how to sketch ideas and make prototypes in a maker space;
  • be inspired by practical workshop designs and be able to develop a concept draft for your own workshops building upon the DOIT programme and using the DOIT online toolbox; 
  • sketch your own social innovation projects by using the social innovation project canvas

This course is created by practical and course lecturers from the European research and education project DOIT, and specifically customised for teachers working with students in primary and secondary school (age 6-16), maker educators, youth workers and all interested educators and innovation trainers.

Start: Friday, 15th of May 2020.
Duration: 4 weeks; max. 2 hours per week.
Language: English, but with learning videos and DOIT handbooks in several languages.
Costs: Free 

Register here


Course content

The course is divided into four one-week modules. Each module consists of short text intros, videos, related materials and a short test.

Week 1, 15th of May, 2020:
Introduction: How can young learners  work together and make creative solutions for societal issues?

Week 2, 22nd of May 2020:
Workshop Design & Projects: How to design social innovation workshops and projects?

Week 3, 29th of May 2020:
The Innovation Toolbox: What innovation methods and tools can I use with young learners?

Week 4, 5th of June 2020:
Plan & Collaborate: How to plan your own innovation project and collaborate with local maker spaces?

More detailed information on the modules and free registration via iMoox.




EU official flag

DOIT is gesubsidieerd door de Europese Unie binnen het onderzoeks- en innovatieprogramma Horizon 2020, volgens grant agreement nr: 770063.