Headless by goldin+senneby
goldin+senneby BY
Beeld installatie Embodied learning
Kennisnet BY
Duetten, work by Marloeke vd Vlugt
Marloeke van der Vlugt BY

PhDO 9: Performing research and learning

'Performing Arts' as a research method? It is possible. Angus Cameron and Marloeke van der Vlugt show you how during PhDO 9. After their presentations, Lucas Evers (Waag) will moderate a dialogue with the presenters and the audience.

Performing as research and learning: 'The fragmented Self'
Angus Cameron will talk about the ‘fragmented self’ reflecting on his simultaneous roles as performer, academic and himself in the performative research project Headless of Swedish performers Goldin & Senneby. Cameron will also reflect on a similar strategy as occurring in the plays of the Bernadette Corporation. 

Angus studied Art History at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London. He worked as a financial journalist for two years and finished his Masters degree in International Relations and a DPhil in International Political Economy (IPE) at the University of Sussex. Since 2008 Angus has extended his academic work by acting as 'spokesperson' for Swedish performance artists goldin+senneby on their project 'Headless':

Goldin+Senneby are interested in how the juridical construction of offshore financial centres can be seen as performative acts of fictionalizing place and staging realms of invisibility. Using the company Headless Ltd and Bataille’s ideas around the act of withdrawal as points of departure, the artists have begun a staged enquiry into the undisclosable. Goldin+Senneby’s investigation takes the shape of an ongoing performance where subject, method and artistic narrative cannot be separated from each other. Their work is carried out through entering the world of offshore business and appropriating its methods, language and strategies, while continuously displacing their own subject position.”

Performing Arts & Science: The developing notions of embodied learning

Marloeke van der Vlugt will present her practice-based research into the developing notions of embodied learning at Waag, showing and physically demonstrating several prototypes she is developing for this.

Marloeke studied at DasArts. She makes performative installations in which she focuses on the relationship between body and technology.  She will tell us about her practice-based research for Waag: ‘the developing notions of embodied learning’.

Kennisnet and Waag’s Creative Learning Lab are researching if embodied learning can play a role in developing 21st century skills. We are looking at questions like: are body and movement interfaces for learning 21st century skills? How can embodied learning complement education for 21st century skills? Do we remember what we learn more easily if there is a physical element in the learning process?

As an artist and producer of interactive installations, Marloeke van der Vlugt is exploring these research questions through practice. She will present a few prototypes which address these questions in a physical manner.



Nieuwmarkt 4

1019 HC Amsterdam


14 June 2013

15.30 Doors open
16.00 Start program
18.00 Drinks

PhDO is an initiative by Waag and Arne Hendriks and exists of a series of network events for professionals from the creative sector as well as for researchers. Made possible by the Creative Industries Fund, NWO and the project COMMIT.




Waag, Nieuwmarkt 4, Amsterdam
