Antti Tenetz, Perihelion/Rage/secret_lover, 2019
Antti Tenetz, Perihelion/Rage/secret_lover, 2019 ©

Symposium: Environmental Intelligence

Het AI Culture Lab organiseert een symposium over environmental intelligence op de planet B outpost in het Amsterdam Science Park. Het symposium is voor kunstenaars, onderzoekers en anderen die geïnteresseerd zijn in thema's zoals ruimte, technologie en milieu.


10.00 - Miha Tursic, Waag
10.15 - Danny Hetharia, Sobolt
11.00 - Kyriaki Goni, kunstenaar
11.45 - Antti Tenetz, kunstenaar
12.30 - Discussie

13.00 - lunch

14.00 - Chris Julien, Waag
14.15 - Theun Karelse, kunstenaar
15.00 - Flavia Dzodan, Sandberg Instituut
15.45 - Špela Petrič, kunstenaar
16.30 - Uitsluitingesthetica
17.00 uur - georganiseerd transport van Science Park naar Waag

19:00 - opening tentoonstelling Expeditie naar planet B (locatie: Waag, Nieuwmarkt 4)

Wil je deelnemen? Stuur een email naar gro.gaaw@btenalp om je gratis aan te melden (plaatsen zijn beperkt). 

Over het symposium Environmental Intelligence (in Engels)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a mainstream term describing the scientific study of intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence of humans and other animals. 

In discourse, it is clear that when it comes to the concept of intelligence, the sole unit of measure is human. However, cognition is one of the fundamental features of life. Common to all organisms and on all levels is an expression a specific kind of intelligence - a means to perceive the environment and take actions that maximise the chance of success at achieving goals. 

We can argue that intelligence is influenced by environment and that environmental conditions affect different forms of intelligent behaviour at both the evolutionary and individual entity scales. In the context of climate change, the environmental influence on the individual and social life is overwhelming and full of established power relations. 

We propose to use the term Environmental Intelligence, as an intelligence attributed to living systems larger than individual entities. Since rivers, forests, oceans and clouds could be recognised as hyperobjects or even legal persons, we can also identify their capacity to act according to their agencies. In environmental intelligence, computer code is replaced with chemical and biological reactions spanning numerous scales. During the symposium, we would like to explore the notion of environmental intelligence, and discuss ways to further study it.

Dit symposium is mogelijk gemaakt binnen het European ARTificial Intelligence Lab, met dank aan het Creative Europe programme van de Europese Commissie, het Mondriaan Fonds, en de Toeslag voor Topconsortia voor Kennis en Innovatie (TKI’s) van het ministerie van Economische Zaken.

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planet B, Science Park 608, Startup Village
