Better Future Now Festival - Game cafe

Better Future Now Festival

'There is no planet B'

You probably know the slogan from the protest signs at climate marches. There is no planet B: we have to make do with this earth. At the rate we are now scurrying for more, more, more, we will soon destroy the earth. 

Consumption is good, but there are limits to growth. In addition to the destruction of the climate, the gap between rich and poor is growing. Is capitalism - our economic system that is geared towards efficiency, profit and growth - still of our time? And if not, what should we do? 

Set your imagination to work. What if this new planet did exist? If we could design it from scratch - would we do it the same way? During the weekend of 22 to 25 September, Waag will be inviting people to come and see this planet B at various locations throughout Amsterdam. Access is free, pay with your ideas. 

Read more in Dutch.