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Dutch broadcast on artificial intelligence with Marleen Stikker

A broadcast of Nieuwsuur (NOS) of 30 September 2018 was dedicated in part to artificial intelligence and its significance for society. Guests in this broadcast were economist Matthijs Bouman and Marleen Stikker of Waag.

The entire broadcast of Nieuwsuur can be seen here. Except for some interviews, the content is mainly in Dutch.

Nieuwsuur also made a series of five thematic items about the dangers and possibilities of artificial intelligence. The first of these is about weapons & warfare:

"Artificial intelligence: the technology is in full swing and offers all kinds of possibilities, but in the area of arms and warfare the concerns are high, a new arms race is at risk and an international treaty seems out of sight, experts say.

Former NATO chef Anders Fogh Rasmussen is also worried. "If we do not curb deadly weapons, killer robots, they will make the world more unstable and insecure." He argues for a worldwide treaty against the use of fully autonomous, thus independently deciding, weapons."
