The 'embodied learning'-installation that we built together with artist Marloeke van de Vlugt is now ready to be used in education. It first travelled to Zoetermeer for the Summerschool+ of Kennisnet - De Verdieping where teachers and school staff could get to know the concept of 'learning with your body as interface'.
What is it?
Cylinder-Stairs-Skip is a series of balance objects for education aimed at raising awareness of your own body. The target is get to an open learning attitude through movement, play, practice and reflection. The interaction between the body, movement and reflection is essential in this installation. A angular cylinder, rolling stairs and assymetrical skip are meant to stand upon. The technology in and around the objects gives visual and auditive feedback in the search for the right balance, posture and movement.
Creative Learning Lab of Waag and Kennisnet are researching the possibilities of embodied learning and what role it can play in learning 21st century skills. Some of the research questions are: can the body and movement function as interfaces? How is education about enriched by embodied learning? Is knowledge stored and retrieved better when one adds a physical component in the educational process?
Also read this earlier posts: