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Essay: Building Planetary Imagery

In Europe, Waag is the leader of the More-than-Planet project, in which we are working with research institutes and artists on new images of the planet. What do we mean when we talk about images of the planet, why are they so important and how does this relate to the climate and ecological crisis? Bonnie van Vugt explains in this essay.

Reading time: 11 minutes

Read in English

Read in Dutch


About More-than-Planet

Using earth observations, satellite data, art, culture and philosophy, the European research project More-than-Planet explores how we can arrive at new knowledge and stories about how we see our planet. And we need to, because more than 75 per cent of Earth's surface is under human pressure. The way we imagine the earth has a substantial impact on the environment. More-than-Planet brings together trans-disciplinary collaborations to highlight the crisis of our perception of the planet. 

As More-than-Planet's coordinator, Waag Futurelab organises the collaboration between all participating artists, scientists and research institutions in Europe. In 2022, we opened the project with the exhibition 'More-than-Planet' at the Old Observatory in Leiden. We also already organised several international workshops and artist residencies. We will keep you informed of new developments and opportunities on the Waag channels.

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This project receives funding from the European Union’s Creative Europe programme under grant agreement No 101056238.