Maakplaats opening

Het Parool on Waag Poort

This weekend, the Amsterdam newspaper 'Het Parool' wrote about Waag's plans to open up her ground floor for the general public. We aim to make Waag's work more accessible for the general public and for the Nieuwmarkt neighbourhood, for example by exposing the work of artists and designers who are working with Waag, and by offering our workshops and activities in-house and on a walk-in basis. 

Since 2021, Waag has the position of Future Lab for design and technology in the basic infrastructure funding for cultural institutions of the Dutch ministry of Education, Culture and Science. 'The coming for years, we will be able to proceed with our work to make society more open, fair and inclusive. This also means we can open ourselves up more to the public. We feel a great need to share our work with the world. And we would like to do so in our own building, because we have all our supplies here,' states director Marleen Stikker in het Parool.

Read the full article (Dutch)


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