MuseumMakers - MuseumCamp

Imaging the MuseumCamp Amsterdam

How do museum professionals approach a weekend long of prototyping exhibitions? At the Allard Pierson Museum, 17 teams worked with digital technology in the MuseumCamp Amsterdam, to develop new concepts and to test their ideas in practice. They had access to tools like a mobile Fablab, the meSch toolkit for museum objects and camped at the site (without getting much sleep, it seems).

We were at the museum the whole weekend to guide the participants in the creative process, and to give technical support in using the tools. How can museums use digital technology in their storytelling? By working with them! 

Here's a photo impression of the event:




EU official flag

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 600851.