Digitale Omslag Hub
Waag Futurelab BY-NC-SA

Launching Digital Transition Hub for the social economy

Launching digitisation hub for organisations in the social economy

Together with knowledge network organisation De Omslag, as part of the Digit-Able project, we launched the Digital Omslag Hub on Monday 9 December 2024: a place specifically designed to support social enterprises and day care providers in their digital transformation. Because there is a lot of investment in digitalisation, but the social economy - from WMO providers to social entrepreneurs - regularly lags behind in this transition, we want the The Digital Turnaround Hub to support these organisations to:

  • discover digital needs
  • learn about digital tools that make their work more efficient
  • learn all about inclusion and technology learn from experts and other social entrepreneurs
  • collaborate on solutions to digital challenges
  • think critically and deal with the use of data and privacydiscover digital needs
  • learn about digital tools that make their work more efficient
  • learn all about inclusion and technology learn from experts and other social entrepreneurs
  • collaborate on solutions to digital challenges
  • think critically and deal with the use of data and privacy

Join the hub, get involved and contribute to the digitisation of the social economy!

What does it bring you?

Your competences develop through the use of digital tools. You will explore the possibilities of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and online learning platforms, while exchanging experiences with others.

Want to know more? Join the Digital Cover Hub and sign up. For questions or contact about the project/hub, please mail to tessel[at]waag[dot]com.

Sign up here


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