Tessel van Leeuwen - portret door Jimena Gauna

Tessel van LeeuwenConcept Developer

Tessel van Leeuwen is a concept developer with Waag Futurelab. Here, she focuses on social issues around digitisation, participation and the democratisation of technology. Among other things, she does this by questioning the social side of technology together with target groups and then integrating that into design. Her focus is on the development of sustainable public-civil partnerships and data commons as a central component of the community economy: an economic model in which cooperation and an emphasis on people and social and/or environmental goals over profit are central. 

Previously, Tessel was project manager of the Code and Interface team at Waag. Tessel studied Cultural Heritage at the Reinwardt Academy (BA) and completed the part-time master's in Urban Management (MA) in 2022. 

Current projects

Hackathon de groene stad
Smart Citizens Lab

The Energy Transition in the Amsterdam Metropolis

How can the position of social initiative be strengthened so that they can produce 33% of electricity and heat demand in the Amsterdam metropolitan region by 2050?
Code of Conduct
Commons Lab

Code of Conduct for the social economy

Working closely with the European Commission (Directorate General GROW), Waag Futurelab and the Commons Network are joining forces to develop a Code of Conduct together with individuals, organizations and agencies in the social economy. All with a shared goal to share, collect and build data management capacity within the ecosystem.
Change the Design 2019
Commons Lab

Bridging the digital divide

In Amsterdam, about 20% of residents cannot manage digitally. This creates tension with the fact that public services are increasingly digitising. In this project, we investigate the issue of how and why digital inequality exists in Amsterdam
inkijkjes opening
Commons Lab

Glimpses of green energy

Glimpses of green energy looks into the energy transition, on places we normally can't see. Artwork explains the challenges and gives a unique behind the scenes experiences of the energy transition in Amsterdam-Noord.
Platformcoöp Accelerator-programma
Commons Lab

Platformcoöp Incubator

Together with the Commons Network, Waag is working on a Platform Co-op Accelerator programme that will connect and advance start-up initiatives that work with the commons. This way, we are encouraging a circular, local and fair economy.
Open HEM nu, Waag, 2022, Vivent Solar via Unsplash
Commons Lab

Open HEM now!

Commissioned by the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland and Top Sector Energy, Waag is developing a Public Stack for home energy management systems: Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS).
Commons Lab

Charging the Commons

Charging the Commons is a project exploring the design of digital platforms for resource communities.
Big Data
Future Internet Lab

Evaluation NWA-route Big Data

Beleidsmakers, private ontwikkelaars en wetenschappers bespreken vragen over big data van de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda.
Future Internet Lab

Living Lab Open Cultuurdata

Making cultural events easier to find with open-source technology. By NPO, Sound & Vision, PublicSpaces and Waag.
Energie Referentiearchitectuur, Waag, 2023
Commons Lab

Energy Reference Architecture

In opdracht van Topsector Energie Digitalisering en de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) onderzoekt waag een referentiearchitectuur voor de Nederlandse energie infrastructuur.  
Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash
Future Internet Lab


How innovative online revenue models can improve the independence of makers.
Digitale Identiteit visual
Future Internet Lab

Proof of Provenance

Tackling disinformation by guaranteeing the authenticity of messages? Waag is working on a way to do this through digital certificates.
PublicSpaces Conference 2024
Future Internet Lab


Waag is a co-initiator of the PublicSpaces Foundation, a coalition of now 70 public organisations working together on a digital ecosystem based on public values.
Contemporary Commoning
Commons Lab

Contemporary Commoning

The research project Contemporary Commoning focuses on the ways the commons can contribute to new forms of (digital) public space and initiate different forms of urban development.
Public Stack Summit
Commons Lab


Atelier is a five-year project funded by the European Commission that focuses on shaping energy-positive neighbourhoods. Residents, local stakeholders and companies will work together in these neighbourhoods to create a local energy system that generates energy sustainably.

Closed projects

expeditie toekomst
Smart Citizens Lab

Public Civil Cooperation

In this project, Waag investigates new knowledge and process models, which support sustainable cooperation between citizens and governments.
MicroDonor Grant for the Web
Future Internet Lab


Healthy internet isn't free. Waag is researching a method for micro-donation to open, fair and inclusive online tools and services.
campagnebeeld hdgs
Future Internet Lab

Hackathon de groene stad

In het project hackathon groene steden komen initiatieven bijeen die zich focussen op het vergroenen van steden. Waag organiseert vier groen-expedities en een hackathon.
Commons Lab

Gaming for the Commons

Can serious games help us to reimagine our political and economic system? We aim to discover the potential of serious games to help us reclaim the urban commons.
Cyclists in Amsterdam
Commons Lab

Mobility Lab Bicycledatacommons

The Mobility Lab Bicycledatacommons explores the role of data commons in the usage of bicycle data.
Green light
Commons Lab

Smart society cases

In this project we sketch a picture of the dilemmas that digitisation entails within public administration and the effect this has on society.
Commons Lab
Commons Lab

Chamber of Commons

The Chamber of Commons bolsters the interests of commons and commoners.


WeMakeThe.City is the festival that makes cities better.
DSI map Europe
Commons Lab


Digital Social Innovation in Europe (DSI4EU) supports digital social innovation networks in Europe.