Waag Futurelab CC0

Two artists selected for S+T+ARTS4WaterII residencies

The winners of the S+T+ARTS4WaterII Open Call are Arcangelo Constantini (MX) and Michael Pinsky (UK). The two artists are each awarded with a residency hosted by Waag Futurelab. During the residencies Constantini and Pinsky will take a look into the water infrastructure surrounding the Dommel river (Utrecht) and the Port of Amsterdam. The residencies will take place from October 2024 until June 2025.

S+T+ARTS4WaterII facilitates interdisciplinary collaborations that focus on addressing specific local or regional water challenges and envisioning future water management through creative, critical artistic works, novel digital solutions and public engagement.

EcoPort Futures - Micheal Pinsky (UK)

Michael’s EcoPort Futures project will focus on transforming the port of Amsterdam through collaborative artistic interventions. He aims to promote sustainable transportation by fostering cultural transformations in the port and waterways. Michael’s work will engage communities and technical experts to develop interactive and sustainable artworks, turning the waterways into vibrant cultural hubs and educational tools.

Vortex Harmonies - Arcangelo Constanini (MX)

Arcangelo will work on Vortex Harmonies: The Confluence of Schauberger Vortices and Tesla Pump. His innovative approach combines Nikola Tesla’s bladeless turbine technology with Viktor Schauberger’s principles of water revitalisation to create a multifunctional public kinetic sculpture. This installation will enhance urban water regeneration and incorporate experimental sound elements, offering ecological solutions and a striking visual experience.

About S+T+ARTS4WaterII

S+T+ARTS4WaterII – Ports in Transformation integrates art, technology, and science to address environmental and societal challenges in Europe’s ports and cities. The project aligns with the European Green Deal’s goal of climate neutrality and supports SDGs related to clean water, sustainable cities, and life below water. It promotes interdisciplinary collaboration through artistic residencies, workshops, and exhibitions, fostering innovative solutions for future water management. 

Part of the European S+T+ARTS initiative, S+T+ARTS4WaterII continues the mission of its predecessor, S+T+ARTS4WaterI, and embraces the New European Bauhaus principles of sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusiveness.

For more information about the artists and their projects check out the S+T+ARTS4WaterII residency website.


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S+T+ARTS4WaterII is co-funded by the European Commission under grant agreement number LC-02629312.