Plenaire zaal Tweede Kamer
Tweede Kamer/Rijksoverheid via ©

Waag: reaction to Dutch coalition agreement

Waag's reaction on the Dutch government plans for 2021-2025: Waag is excited to see the use of the word digitalisation in the new coalition agreement. This is new, and a step in the right direction. Now, we feel it's time to expand this towards seeking representation for Digital Matters on a ministerial level.

Waag pointed out six points of attention for the new government. They can be read in Dutch, but here is an overview:

  1. Appoint a minister of Digital Matters.
  2. Address digital illiteracy.
  3. Make digital infrastructure sustainable.
  4. The Privacy Authority needs more money and a more broad mandate.
  5. It is important and urgent to establish an official algorithm supervisor.
  6. Digital identity should be implemented safely and with the preservation of our freedom.


Read more in Dutch 

