Videoserie Wat is de toekomst - Wonen - Waag & Salma Chafouk Idrissi
Waag & Salma Chafouk Idrissi BY-NC-SA

What is the future?

In What is the future? film maker Salma Chafouk Idrissi and Waag ask people all over the Netherlands about their hopes and dreams for the future. If they were to design a completely new planet, what would they take with them, and what would they leave behind? What is the future of technology, of communication, of working or of living?


Want to know more?

  • Come and get your future! Think along with Waag: what is your dreamed future, and what can we do in the now to achieve it? Can we 'make' the future? Visit us during Dutch Design Week 2021 and Museumnacht Amsterdam

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