Friday May 22nd this year's Bio Art and Design Award (BAD Award) winners will be announced!
The BAD Award (called Designers & Artists 4 Genomics Award till 2013) is a unique competition that aims at stimulating young artists and designers from The Netherlands and abroad to experiment with bioart and design and to collaborate with renowned Dutch science centers.
The Award aims to:
- stimulate interest, excitement and debate about the Life Sciences through high-quality, original artistic practice;
- examine the social, cultural and ethical contexts of the Life Sciences through the arts;
- promote high-quality interdisciplinary practice and collaborations between art/ design and science/technology.
The Awards of € 25,000 each are assigned by an international jury to the most promising and original proposals in the competition. The projects are consequently realised within six months and exhibited.
Members of the jury of 2015 are:
- William Myers, chair (US/The Netherlands)
- Ian Brunswick, Science Gallery Dublin (Ireland)
- Hans Clevers, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (The Netherlands)
- Karen Verschooren, Z33 (Belgium)
- Hub Zwart, Center for Society and the Life Sciences (The Netherlands)
This year's finalists will pitch their proposal for the audience and a jury. Three of them will be granted an Award of € 25,000.
14.30 - Artspace STROOM open to the public
15.00 - 15.15 Welcome by Wilma van Donselaar (ZonMw) and Angelique Spaninks (MU Artspace)
15.15 - 16.00 Documentary “Talking Plants & Morning Urine”
16.00 - 16.40 Public pitches by all contestants about their proposed projects
16.40 - Announcement of the winners by William Myers (chairman of the Jury)